Mature Community in South Edmonton


What's New?

Parkallen 2020 AGM

Our AGM this year may look a little different, but what hasn’t changed is that everyone is welcome!

Parkallen’s AGM is on June 14, 2020 at 7:00 pm. Come learn about what your community league provides! We give you a voice on civic issues, provide fun affordable programming, and let you connect with neighbours. We’ll be elected our 2020 executive, so please consider volunteering. We have a number of positions available. Volunteering has been shown to lengthen your life and improve mental health — plus, it’s a great way to use your skills while serving Parkallen residents!

COVID-19 restrictions mean that the AGM will likely be online. Please register using the form below and we will contact you with official instructions or a link to join.

All of the documents we will be discussing can be found here.
